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As an examinee, you have the right to:

1. Be informed of your rights and responsibilities as an examinee.
2. Be treated with courtesy, respect, and impartiality, regardless of your age, gender,
disability, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, linguistic
background, or other personal characteristics.
3. Be examined by measures that meet professional standards and are appropriate, given
the manner in which the exam results will be used.
4. Know in advance, when and how the examinations will be administered, if and when
examination results will be available to you, and the amount of the fee that you are
expected to pay to take the examinations.
5. Have your examination administered and your examination results interpreted by
appropriately trained individuals.
6. Be informed that the written and clinical examinations are optional. The consequences of
taking or not taking the examinations, not fully completing the examinations, or canceling
the scores will be explained. You may need to ask questions to learn these consequences.
7. Receive a written explanation of your examination results within a reasonable amount of
time after the examination and in commonly understood terms.
8. Review the scope of confidentiality regarding the results of the examinations.
9. Present concerns about the examination process within 72 hours of completing the
10. Request a review of the examination process within 72 hours of completing the
examination and be informed of the procedures in reviewing and responding to such a

As an examinee, you have the responsibility to:

1. Read and/or listen to your rights and responsibilities as an examinee.
2. Treat others with courtesy and respect during the examination process.
3. Ask questions before an examination if you are uncertain about why the examination is
being administered, how it will be administered, what you will be asked to do before,
during and after the examination, and what will be done with the results.
4. Read or listen to descriptive information about the examination process in advance of the
examination and listen carefully to all of the examination instructions.
5. Inform the ABO during registration at least four weeks in advance of an examination if
you need an accommodation or if you have a physical condition or illness that may
interfere with your performance on the examination.
6. Know when, where, and how the examination will be administered, pay for the
examination as required, appear on time with any required materials, and be ready for
the examination.
7. Follow the examination instructions you are given and represent yourself honestly during
the examination.
8. Refrain from any use of artificial intelligence (AI), such as ChatGPT, to help you during
or after an examination or to generate, copy or modify any examination content.
9. Be familiar with and accept the consequences of not taking or completing the
examination at the scheduled time, should you choose not to take or complete the
10. Ask about the confidentiality of your examination results, if this aspect concerns you.

Adopted: May 15, 2024