ABO Case Management Form Instructions
The following instructions pertain to the Skeletal, Dental and Facial Analysis measurements listed on this form:
Case Management Worksheet for Print
Case Management Form Instructions
- Use the PRE TX column (A) to record initial measurements.
- Use the PROG column (A1) to record progress measurements.
- Use the POST TX column (B) to record final measurements.
- The DIFF column (A-B) records the difference in absolute value between initial and final measurements.
- In the space EXAMINEE TX OBJECTIVES enter a succinct comment on your treatment objective for each of the areas of analysis. The measurements on the left coincide with the general area of analysis on the right. The ANB does not have an area of comment. The vertical- dental area does not have a measurement on the left. The skeletal, dental and facial analysis must have relevance to the stated treatment objectives in the written case report. Treatment objectives wording must be brief and specific to the feature under discussion. Click here for a limited sample of treatment objective terminology for specific entities.
- Based on a retrospective comparison of your pretreatment objectives and post-treatment results, score and record your judgment for each subdivision under the following columns:
- a. Pre-Tx Objectives column
Were your Skeletal, Dental and Facial objectives, as outlined in your case report, appropriate for this case?
Select 0 if appropriate | Select 1 if inappropriate - b. Post-Tx Results column
Do you consider the post-treatment results to be an acceptable or unacceptable change?
Select 0 if acceptable | Select 1 if unacceptable
Your original treatment objectives and your therapeutic ability to satisfy these objectives will be evaluated by the ABO examiner to determine if your objectives and treatment were appropriate. The examiner may critique the validity of your numbers and candor of your self-evaluation of the case. You should therefore be prepared to defend your scoring rationale.
- a. Pre-Tx Objectives column
- Once you have selected either 0 or 1 in the PRE TX OBJ and POST TX RESULT spaces, the total of these values are recorded in the SCORE column.
- The total of all values in the SCORE column are recorded in the box called “Scoring Subtotals for S-D-F”.
- For the DIFF column:
- “SAME” is recorded if the initial arch form was maintained in the final result.
- “CHG” is recorded if the initial arch form was changed in the final result.
Explanation of Measurement Data:
*SN-MP (Constructed Gonion to Anatomical Menton) – In case of a dual image, examinee will use geometric average of bi-lateral sides. **See Construction of Mandibular Plane.
Molar and Canine Arch Width Measurements – Use any point(s) on a tooth that can be conveniently measured on the pre-treatment and post-treatment casts. Include a sentence in the “Objectives of Treatment” section of your case report to describe the anatomic points that you used for determination of maxillary and mandibular arch widths.
Curve of Spee - Unilateral measurement of the deepest curve of Spee on the mandibular cast. This is defined as a vertical measurement (millimeters) from a horizontal plane resting on the most distal-buccal molar cusp tip and the ipsilateral central incisor edge to the most gingivally positioned premolar or deciduous molar buccal cusp tip.
Mandibular Arch Form - Use the following arch form descriptions and abbreviations to document arch form in the PRE TX, PROG and POST TX columns: