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Pathway Program Presentations

The ABO offers presentations to CODA accredited orthodontic programs to familiarize doctors with the pathway to board certification.  Ambassadors have been trained by the ABO to deliver presentations with the main goals of helping doctors feel confident in their ability to successfully prepare for the ABO exams and encouraging collaboration with the ABO and fellow residents during their orthodontic journey. View the descriptions below to learn more about the programs currently being offered.

If you are interested in requesting a presentation, please log-in to the ABO Portal and complete the request form by clicking the button below. Presentations will be scheduled on a first come/first serve basis and can be held either in-person or virtually.


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Pathway to Board Certification: Overview

The overview presentation introduces doctors to the board certification pathway.  During this presentation, doctors will learn about the steps required to become board certified, the value in board certification, and tour sample questions of the Written/Clinical Examinations.  Resources for preparation of the exams will be shared with doctors.

Suggested time allotment: 90 minutes

Suggested audience: 1st year residents

Suggested time frame: August-December

A/V needs: Projector to run a PowerPoint presentation, microphone if presented in a lecture room or auditorium, internet connection if choosing the virtual option


Pathway to Board Certification: Clinical Examination

The Clinical Exam presentation gives a short overview of the board certification pathway and then focuses on the Clinical Examination.  During this presentation, doctors will dive into the 4 domains covered in the exam.  Sample questions from each domain will be presented with suggested answers to show fully proficient, borderline proficient, and not proficient responses.  Information on CRE, CMF, and Superimpositions according to ABO standards will also be shared. Resources for preparation of the exam will be shared with doctors.

Suggested time allotment: 90 minutes

Suggested audience: 2nd/3rd year residents or doctors who have completed the Written Examination

A/V needs: Projector to run a PowerPoint presentation, microphone if presented in a lecture room or auditorium, internet connection if choosing the virtual option