To file a complaint related to orthodontic treatment, please complete the requirements pertaining to the appropriate State Dental Board. Click below for a listing on the ADA website.
To file a complaint against an orthodontist that you believe is misrepresenting themselves as ABO Board Certified, please complete the steps below:
The complaint must be in writing and be sent to one of the following:
The American Board of Orthodontics, Attn: Carole Newport, 401 N. Lindbergh Blvd., Suite 300, St. Louis, MO 63141
The complaint should include as much information and detail as possible about the circumstances that form the basis of the complaint and should include, wherever possible, documentation of the alleged offense.
The complaint may be disclosed to the Directors of the ABO, staff of ABO, attorneys, and other persons necessary, in the sole discretion of ABO, to properly investigate the matter.
The ABO shall attempt to maintain the confidentiality of the complainant. However, the ABO cannot, and does not, guarantee such confidentiality. The substance of any allegation or information may be released to the person complained of for purposes of obtaining a response from such person.