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All treated orthodontic cases display some deficiencies. Also, case records may not conform to exact ABO specifications. The example case presentations represent those that successfully completed the ABO Clinical Examination. There may be alternate methods, treatment plans and mechanics that could be used to achieve similar results.

These examples are intended only as a guide, as presentation requirements are subject to change. Examinees should carefully follow the current exam year requirements when preparing case reports and records. Original records for these cases are of higher diagnostic quality than has been captured for example presentation.

All physical records must be clearly marked with an identification label as described at Record Identification.

Example Cases - Notebook Case Submission

Example Case Madelaine | DI 24
Example Case Anna Marie | DI 24  / Class II with interim records

Notes to Examinees:

  1. A collage of study model images is not part of the case presentation. Initial and/or interim study models will be submitted in plaster or stereolithic (3D printed version) format according to current year specifications.
  2. All examinees will be required to submit notebook presentation at the scheduled examination date and time.